
Hong Kong 's Newspaper , Dead or Not ?

We have some discussion on twitter about whether newspaper is going to be disappeared in Hong Kong.
For me , I believe that newspaper is still alive in future 5 years…

Firstly ,reading newspaper is a kind of “habit” for Hong Kong citizen. Although more people is getting into online content , newspaper is still their first choice at the morning and the first goods to spend on . The loyalty towards newspaper is still strong.

Secondly, the largest age group of the readers , or what we called the consumer is not actively participate on the internet. They are most likely the age 30+ , which is still not familiar with internet, and of cause , they dun trust anything on the internet. In marketing aspect , they still claimed to have long life-time value .

Thirdly, the authority or what we call the credibility of newspaper in Hong Kong is very high .People living in Hong Kong tends to believe newspaper can bring justice rather than any online media. Therefore, newspaper is responsible for telling the truth( or gossip ?) , and people would still spend $6 on it .

Anyway , "Not dead " doesn't mean that they have a foreseeable future or revenue , they are just existing in this world.

Ps : It 's too hurry for me to provide any statistics here .
(And don't blame on my shitty English , thanks :) )

More to read:

The rebirth of news
Tim Ho : The end of newspaper is coming soon

6 則留言:

C+ 說...

i think magazines will more likely to disappear before newspaper!

億利 說...

何解呢 ?!

C+ 說...

actually i shd had been more specific and said it's monthly magazine.

people buy newspaper as a habit, wanting to make a connection to what's the latest happening to the world, newspaper is the only choice.

but monthly magazine are for leisure only, and we have a lot more choices just to serve that purpose. Today, we find multimedia contents on basically any subject, and let's not forget, they are free.

actually in my crazy dream world, we will soon be able to become an editor of our own "magazine" by compiling / subscribing various blogs or heavily updated site, and share it back out to our subscribers.. :P

億利 說...

for newspaper part, I partly agree.
News from the internet are more up-to-dated than newspaper .

hehe. Welcome to the crazy dream world.You are already one of them . Welcome to the world of share !
不過世界總有人要依賴八卦雜誌為生呢 :P

C+ 說...

so what is the "future" in ur crazy dream world?

億利 說...
